Senin, 13 Mei 2013


     1  The defendant refused to answer the presecutor’s questions …
           Answer : A. Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
            *Kalimat berbentuk past, refused = v2 karena kata "it" sudah mewakili jawabannya

       2  Mrs Walker has returned...
           Answer : D.  The wallet to its original owner
           *returned berbentuk pasten , original = sifat
       3 The hospital owes …. for the contruction of the new wing.
           Answer : A The government twenty million dollars  Sentence structure is incorrect
           * owner : kata kerja  harus langsung objek tidak perlu kata depan govermment : objek
       4 Sarah…. that she could not attend classes next week.
          Answer : C Told her professors
          * setelah kata told harus objek  her proffessor = objek

       5 The artist was asked to show some painting at the contest because
          Answer : A He painted very good
          * Karena bentuk past langsung anak kalimat

        6 If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and  have to pay a fine.
      Answer : D * kata have to pay a fan seharusnya langsung menjadi paid(v3)

       7 Fired, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he had and accident on his way to the practice.  
     Answer : D

   8  A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle dreams of her daughter who 
       lives overseas
         Answer : C *Dreams = Dreamed (V2)
  9  The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all
        who have the good fortune to visit here.
             Answer : B   * harus parael gives = give

 10  Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while other were
       singing songs
       Answer : A *of the di hilangkan saja seharusnya some people 


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